about ME

About Me

Hello! My name is Laydia and I'm a graphic designer and portrait photographer based in the DMV.

Writing these things can be a bit of a drag so here are 9 random things about me that you might find interesting. Why 9? Because I couldn't think of a 10th. Enjoy!

9.  Elle Lowe is sorta kinda the phonetic spelling of my initials, hence the name.
8.  My absolute favorite thing to shoot is babies.
7.   I take a lot of selfies but honestly can't remember the last time I took a self portrait.
6.  I studied TV and video production in college.
5.  I still have the first camera I ever bought. It's a Canon AE-1.
4.  While in college, I once told a friend that I didn't think I was very creative. He responded "Have you seen the way you
I never made a statement like that again.
3.  My least favorite thing to shoot is events, but I LOVE shooting weddings.
2.  The first graphic I ever created was called "Man in a Can".
1.   I miss the days of film and the dark room. It was such a magical place! Back when you had to be more
     discerning about what you shot as well as extra careful not to mess things up while processing the film... talk
     about living on the edge! 

If there is anything you'd like to know that wasn't included in my little list, feel free to drop me a line! I look forward to hearing from you.


